Thank you for your trust & donations during COVID-19 period. We have HAPPY NEWS to share with you at the end of the year 2021:
On Nov. 16 we signed an agreement with the mayor of Mokpo / South Jeolla Province to continue free bread baking in North Korea for children in need.
As we have promised, we will go on with our charity bakeries for North Korean kids, even most borders are closed! Cold winter time has already reached the children there. We use all funds to deliver flour via China to our bakeries in North Korea now.

2021년 11월 16일(화) (사)월드브레드 박홍률 공동회장 위촉식 거행.
⋅박홍률 공동회장
- 민선6기 목포시장 역임 (2014년~2018년)
- 전남지회장 겸임
- 전남 목포와 해남군, 강진군에는 1⋅4후퇴 당시 월남했던 피란민들이 집단으로 살고 있음
- 앞으로 북한 어린이 지원 사업에 많은 도움을 줄 것으로 기대됨.